Ticket Form

Adding your ticket form to WordPress

Create a ticket form

First, create a new ticket form and configure it to your liking.

Find the install script

Under your ticket form settings, navigate to the Settings tab.


From here, you can see the installation script. For this guide, we are not going to copy it directly, but we will use it as a reference.

Install the Aidbase script

Let’s start by adding the script for the Aidbase ticket form. We will use the top part of the installation script above.

  1. Sign into your WordPress admin account
  2. Go to Plugins from the left menu
  3. Search for header script and choose the Header and Footer Scripts plugin


After succesfully installing the plugin, you can click Manage plugin


Click Settings → Header and Footer Scripts


Finally, add the <script> tag from the first step in the Head section. Click Save settings and publish your website.


Embed the ticket form

You typically want to install the ticket form on a contact page or support page.

For this, we need two things:

  1. A button that says “Create ticket”
  2. A ticket form that opens as a modal when the button is clicked.

Let’s take a look at how to do this:

  • Go back to your WordPress dashboard
  • Click Pages → Edit on the page you want to edit


Now we are ready to add the chatbot element to our website.

  1. Click the “+” button from the top left corner.
  2. Find the Custom HTML Element under the Blocks tab.
  3. Drag it into your WordPress site in the place where you want the chatbot.


Now that we have a custom HTML block on our site, we can set up the chatbot.

  1. Make sure the element is selected and choose the HTML view.
  2. Insert the last part of the script from the first step


Perfect. Now we can start configuring the ticket form using attributes.


You can add as many attributes as you need to customize the ticket form's behavior. See our reference guide for a full list of available attributes and a description of what they do.

That’s it! Your Aidbase ticket form is now fully integrated 🥳

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