Ticket Form
Get started

Ticket Form

Get started

With Aidbase's Ticket Forms, you can build custom forms that allows your users to submit tickets to your support team. You can set up the form to capture any relevant information that is specific to your application.

Getting started with Ticket Forms is easy.
We offer a fully hosted solution that requires no code, as well as low-code and advanced options for full customization.

Create a Ticket Form

Go to the Ticket Forms (opens in a new tab) page under Website Elements from your Aidbase dashboard.
Create a new Ticket Form and configure it.

Create fields for your form

Under the Fields tab, create fields for your form.
Each field can have a type, such as text, date, checkbox, select, etc.

The fields will behave differently depending on the type you choose, and you can mark each type as required or not.

See the full list of types and their behavior in the Form Fields section.

Add knowledge

Add knowledge to your Ticket Form under the Knowledge tab.
This step is optional, but will help Aidbase's AI to suggest replies when handling incoming tickets.

Make the ticket form available to your users

Finally, make the ticket form available to your users.
There are several ways to do this.

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