Ticket Form
Hosted ticket form

Ticket Form - Hosted

All ticket forms are available from Aidbase's Hosted URL.

Quick Start

You can find your ticket form on:


You can find the Ticket Form ID in the Ticket Form settings under the Settings tab.

From this page, users can create new tickets and view their existing tickets.
The easiest way to get started, is to simply redirect the user to this page from within your app or website.

Identify a user

In order for a user to view their existing tickets, they need to be identified.
When you send the user to the hosted ticket form, you can pass the user's information as query parameters.


If you do not provide a user ID as a query paremeter, Aidbase will generate one for you.

Additional parameters

In addition to the user_id parameter, you can also pass the following parameters:

  • email - The user's email address
  • username - The user's username
  • profile_image_url - The user's profile image URL

Below is a full example of how to prepare the Hosted URL for a user in JavaScript

const params = new URLSearchParams();
// Prepare the query parameters
params.append('user_id', 'abc1234');
params.append('email', 'john@doe.com');
params.append('username', 'John Doe');
params.append('profile_image_url', 'https://example.com/profile.jpg');
// Create the Hosted URL
const url = `https://hosted.aidbase.ai/tickets/YOUR-TICKET-FORM-ID?${params.toString()}`;
// Redirect the user to the Hosted URL
window.location.href = url;

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